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ACT for Migrants: Fostering Resilience in New Waters

Dr. Sandra Georgescu and Dr. Khashayar Farhadi Langroudi

Date Recorded
January 8, 2017

ACBS Webinar
Human beings have migrated since their early appearance in Africa. The origin of the word migration is rooted in the Latin word migrātus (past participle of migrāre), which means to move from place to place, change position or abode. In today's world, more than 175 million people live outside of their country of birth (Stilwell, et al., 2003). While moving to a new place can be challenging, it can also be a place for growth and resilience. The purpose of this presentation is to employ the CBS approach to shed a pragmatic light on common challenges that the migrant might face. The presenters will provide some recommendations on how to navigate clients’ migration related challenges in psychotherapy and foster a place for resilience and growth. 

About the presenters

Dr. Sandra Georgescu is former Associate Professor in the Clinical psychology program at The Chicago School and President of the Association of Contextual Behavioral Science (ACBS) Chicago Chapter. She continues to be steadily involved in ACBS, consistently presenting at World-Conferences, partaking in various administrative roles, conducting research and is the author of various chapters including on burnout, training Contextual CBTs in the classroom and delineating among acceptance and change processes to private behavior. In 2014, Dr. Georgescu spent a sabbatical semester at the department of psychology at the University of Nevada, Reno where she partook in Steve Hayes’ and others labs to augment her research, clinical and training skills. As a former DBT trained therapist, she has been practicing, teaching, and consulting in the Contextual CBT area since 2006.

Dr. Khashayar Farhadi Langroudi is a Post Doctoral Resident at APA accredited post-doc at Kaiser Permanente - South San Francisco. Dr. Farhadi Langroudi is a member of the Diversity Committee at ACBS and APA Div. 9 (The Society for the Psychological Study of Social Issues Diversity Committee). His recent publication was on the topic of the intersectionality of GSM and Ethnicity in Mindfulness and Acceptance for Gender and Sexual Minorities: A Clinician’s Guide to Fostering Compassion, Connection, and Equality Using Contextual Strategies. He uses third wave behaviors such as Compassion Focus Therapy, Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, and Dialectical Behavioral Therapy providing services to adults.

60 minutes