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Values Wheel

Barrett, K., O'Connor, M. & McHugh, L. (2020). Investigating the psychometric properties of the Values Wheel with a clinical cohort: A preliminary validation study. Journal of Contextual Behavioral Science, 15, 210-218. The Instructions for the Administration and Completion of the Values Wheel are in Appendix A.

O’Connor, M., Stapleton, A., Barrett, K., Byrne, O., McGinley, N., Slingerland, N., Lee, N., Michalek, S. & McHugh, L.A. (2021).  Testing the Psychometric Properties of the Newly Developed ACTive Values Wheel. The Psychological Record, 71, 461–471.

O’Connor, M., Tennyson, A., Timmons, M. & McHugh, L. (2019). The development and preliminary psychometric properties of the Values Wheel. Journal of Contextual Behavioral Science, 12, 39-46.