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VA Puget Sound Health Care System, Seattle WA

We have an ACT friendly internship program at the Seattle VA with several supervisors and clinics involved in both ACT and Mindfulness therapies.

Opportunities to get intensive ACT exposure include work with PTSD, Substance Use Disorders, Co-Occurring Disorders, and Chronic Pain populations, serving Veterans and their families. Many of the placements in the psychology internship program are open to ACT and Mindfulness approaches as well. See our brochure for potential placements and ACT-friendly supervisors here:

Opportunities include:
• to help develop and co-lead ACT groups
• to co-lead Mindfulness groups
• to recieve individual training and supervision in ACT
• to participate in ACT didactics and group supervision, and a quarterly Mindfulness and Acceptance Journal Club
• to create or participate in ongoing acceptance and mindfulness based research projects
• guidance for further local training opportunities and links to the Washington State Chapter of ACBS


(This page was updated November 3, 2022).