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Below is a list of publications relevant to contextual behavioral science. Many publications are available for download by clicking "more info" and clicking the file link on the publication's page. Please note that only paid ACBS Members are able to view and download files on this website. Learn how to add a publication here.

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APA Citation Download
Folke, F., Parling, T., & Melin, L. (2012). Acceptance and Commitment Therapy for depression: A preliminary randomized clinical trial for unemployed on long-term sick leave. Cognitive and Behavioral Practice, 19(4), 583-594. Download restricted to ACBS members.
Follette, V. M., & Batten, S. V. (2000). The role of emotion in psychotherapy supervision: A contextual behavioral analysis. Cognitive and Behavioral Practice, 7(3), 306-312. Download restricted to ACBS members.
Follette, V. M., & Batten, S. V. (2000). The role of emotion in psychotherapy supervision: A contextual behavioral analysis. Cognitive and Behavioral Practice, 7(3), 306-312.
Follette, V. M., La Bash, H. A., & Sewell, M. T. (2010). Adult disclosure of a history of childhood sexual abuse: Implications for behavioral psychotherapy. Journal of Trauma & Dissociation, 11, 228-243. Download restricted to ACBS members.
Follette, V., & Pistorello, J. (2007). Finding Life Beyond Trauma: Using Acceptance and Commitment Therapy to Heal from Post-Traumatic Stress and Trauma-Related Problems. Oakland, CA: New Harbinger.
Follette, V., Briere, J., Rozelle, D., Hopper, J. W., & Rome, D. (2015). Mindfulness-Oriented Interventions for Trauma: Integrating Contemplative Practice. New York, NY: The Guilford Press.
Fondacaro, Karen M & Harder, Valerie S. (2014). Connecting cultures: A training model promoting evidence-based psychological services for refugees. Training and Education in Professional Psychology, 8, 320-327. doi:10.1037/tep0000071
Fonseca, A., Moreira, H., & Canavarro, M. C. (2020). Uncovering the links between parenting stress and parenting styles: The role of psychological flexibility within parenting and global psychological flexibility. Journal of Contextual Behavioral Science, 18, 59-67. doi:10.1016/j.jcbs.2020.08.004
Fonseca, S., Trindade, I., Mendes, A., & Ferreira, C. (2019). The buffer role of psychological flexibility against the impact of major life events on depression symptoms. Clinical Psychologist, 24(1), 82-90.
Foody, M., Barnes-Holmes, Y., & Barnes-Holmes, D. (2012). Examining the role of self in acceptance and mindfulness. In L. McHugh and I. Stewart, (Eds.), The self and perspective-taking. Contributions and applications from modern behavioral science (pp.125-142). Oakland, CA: New Harbinger.
Foody, M., Barnes-Holmes, Y., Barnes-Holmes, D., & Luciano, C. (2013). An Empirical Investigation of Hierarchical versus Distinction Relations in a Self-based ACT Exercise. International Journal of Psychology & Psychological Therapy, 13(3), 373-388. Download restricted to ACBS members.
Foody, M., Barnes-Holmes, Y., Barnes-Holmes, D., Rai, L., & Luciano, C. (2015). An empirical investigation of the role of self, hierarchy, and distinction in a common ACT exercise. The Psychological Record, 65(2), 231-243. Download restricted to ACBS members.
Foody, M., Barnes-Holmes, Y., Barnes-Holmes, D., Torneke, N., Luciano, C., Stewart, I., & McEnteggart, C. (2014). RFT for clinical use: The example of metaphor. Journal of Contextual Behavioral Science, 3, 305-313.
Ford, C. G., Vowles, K. E., Smith, B. W., & Kinney, A. Y. (2019). Mindfulness and Meditative Movement Interventions for Men Living With Cancer: A Meta-analysis. Annals of Behavioral Medicine, 54(5), 360–373.
Forman, E. M., & Butryn, M. L. (2015). A new look at the science of weight control: how acceptance and commitment strategies can address the challenge of self-regulation. Appetite, 84, 171-180. Download restricted to ACBS members.
Forman, E. M., & Butryn, M. L. (2016). Effective Weight Loss: An Acceptance-Based Behavioral Approach, Clinician Guide. Oxford University Press.
Forman, E. M., & Butryn, M. L. (2016). Effective Weight Loss: An Acceptance-Based Behavioral Approach, Workbook. Oxford University Press.
Forman, E. M., Butryn, M. L., Hoffman, K. L., & Herbert, J. D. (2009). An open trial of an acceptance-based behavioral intervention for weight loss. Cognitive and Behavioral Practice, 16(2), 223-235. doi:10.1016/j.cbpra.2008.09.005 Download restricted to ACBS members.
Forman, E. M., Butryn, M. L., Juarascio, A. S., Bradley, L. E., Lowe, M. R., Herbert, J. D., & Shaw, J. A. (2013). The Mind Your Health Project: A randomized controlled trial of an innovative behavioral treatment for obesity. Obesity, 21, 1119 – 1126.
Forman, E. M., Butryn, M. L., Manasse, S. M., & Bradley, L. E. (2015). Acceptance-based behavioral treatment for weight control: a review and future directions. Current opinion in psychology, 2, 87-90. Download restricted to ACBS members.
Forman, E. M., Butryn, M. L., Manasse, S. M., Crosby, R. D., Goldstein, S. P., Wyckoff, E. P., & Thomas, J. G. (2016). Acceptance‐based versus standard behavioral treatment for obesity: Results from the mind your health randomized controlled trial. Obesity, 24(10), 2050-2056. Download restricted to ACBS members.
Forman, E. M., Chapman, J. E., Herbert, J. D., Goetter, E. M., Yuen, E. K., & Moitra, E. (2012). Using session-by-session measurement to compare mechanisms of action for acceptance and commitment therapy and cognitive therapy. Behavior Therapy, 43, 341-354. doi:10.1016/j.beth.2011.07.004
Forman, E. M., Herbert, J. D., Juarascio, A. S., Yeomans, P. D., Zebell, J. A., Goetter, E. M., & Moitra, E. (2012). The Drexel defusion scale: A new measure of experiential distancing. Journal of Contextual Behavioral Science, 1, 55-65.
Forman, E. M., Herbert, J. D., Moitra, E., Yeomans, P. D., & Geller, P. A. (2007). A randomized controlled effectiveness trial of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy and Cognitive Therapy for anxiety and depression. Behavior Modification, 31(6), 1-28.
Forman, E. M., Herbert, J. D., Moitra, E., Yeomans, P. D., & Geller, P. A. (2007). A randomized controlled effectiveness trial of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy and Cognitive Therapy for anxiety and depression. Behavior Modification, 31(6), 772-799. Download restricted to ACBS members.