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Below is a list of publications relevant to contextual behavioral science. Many publications are available for download by clicking "more info" and clicking the file link on the publication's page. Please note that only paid ACBS Members are able to view and download files on this website. Learn how to add a publication here.

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APA Citation Download
Montoya-Rodríguez, M. M., & Molina-Cobos, F. J. (2019). Training perspective taking skills in individuals with intellectual disabilities: A functional approach. Journal of Contextual Behavioral Science, 14, 1-10.
Montoya-Rodríguez, M. M., Cobos, F. M., & Mchugh, L. (2017). Corrigendum to “Teaching perspective-taking skills to an adult with Down syndrome: A case study” [Journal of Contextual Behavioral Science 6(3) (2017) 293–297]. Journal of Contextual Behavioral Science, 6(4), 433. doi:10.1016/j.jcbs.2017.09.003
Montoya-Rodríguez, M. M., Mchugh, L., & Cobos, F. J. (2017). Teaching perspective-taking skills to an adult with Down syndrome: A case study. Journal of Contextual Behavioral Science, 6(3), 293-297. doi:10.1016/j.jcbs.2017.04.012
Montoya-Rodríguez, M. M., Molina, F. J., & McHugh, L. (2017). A review of Relational Frame Theory research into deictic relational responding. The Psychological Record, 67(4), 569-579. Download restricted to ACBS members.
Moore, J. (2003). Some further thoughts on the pragmatic and behavioral conception of private events. Behavior and Philosophy, 31, 151-157. Download restricted to ACBS members.
Moore, J. (2003). Some further thoughts on the pragmatic and behavioral conception of private events. Behavior and Philosophy, 31, 151-157.
Moore, M. T., & Fresco, D. M. (2007). The relationship of explanatory flexibility to explanatory style. Behavior Therapy, 38, 325-332. Download restricted to ACBS members.
Moore, M. T., & Fresco, D. M. (2007). The relationship of explanatory flexibility to explanatory style. Behavior Therapy, 38, 325-332.
Moore, P. (2008). Introducing mindfulness to clinical psychologists in training: An experiential course of brief exercises. Journal of Clinical Psychology in Medical Settings, 15, 331-337. Download restricted to ACBS members.
Moore, P. (2008). Introducing mindfulness to clinical psychologists in training: An experiential course of brief exercises. Journal of Clinical Psychology in Medical Settings, 15, 331-337.
Moradzadeh, F., & Pirkhaefi, A. (2018). The Effectiveness of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy on Marital Satisfaction and Cognitive Flexibility among Married Employees of the Welfare Office. Iranian Journal of Psychiatric Nursing, 5(6). Download restricted to ACBS members.
Moran, D. J. (2008). The Three Waves of Behavior Therapy: Course Corrections or Navigation Errors? The Behavior Therapist, Special Issue, Winter, 147-157. Download restricted to ACBS members.
Moran, D. J. (2008). The Three Waves of Behavior Therapy: Course Corrections or Navigation Errors? The Behavior Therapist, Special Issue, Winter, 147-157.
Moran, D. J. (2010). ACT for leadership: Using acceptance and commitment training to develop crisis-resilient change managers. International Journal of Behavioral Consultation and Therapy, 6 (4), 341-355. Download restricted to ACBS members.
Moran, D. J. (2015). Acceptance and Commitment Training in the workplace. Current Opinion in Psychology, 2, 26-31. Download restricted to ACBS members.
Moran, D. J., Bach, P. A., & Batten, S. V. (2018). Committed Action in Practice: A Clinician’s Guide to Assessing, Planning, and Supporting Change in Your Client. Reno, NV: Context Press.
Moran, L., Stewart, I., McElwee, J., & Ming, S. (2010). Brief Report: The Training and Assessment of Relational Precursors and Abilities (TARPA): A Preliminary Analysis. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders. Download restricted to ACBS members.
Moran, O., & McHugh, L. (2019). Patterns of relational responding and a healthy self in older adolescents. Journal of Contextual Behavioral Science, 12, 74-80.
Moran, O., & McHugh, L. (2020). Measuring occurrences of self and other discriminations in relation to mental health in adolescent textual responses. Journal of Contextual Behavioral Science, 15, 253-263.
Moran, O., Almada, P., & McHugh, L. (2018). An investigation into the relationship between the three selves (Self-as-Content, Self-as-Process and Self-as-Context) and mental health in adolescents. Journal of Contextual Behavioral Science, 7, 55-62.
Moran, O., Larsson, A., & McHugh, L. (2021). Investigating cognitive fusion, mindfulness and experiential avoidance in relation to psychosis-like symptoms in the general population. Journal of Contextual Behavioral Science, 21, 136-143.
Moreira, F. R., Silva, E. F. da, Lima, G. de O., Assaz, D. A., Oshiro, C. K. B., & Meyer, S. B. (2017). Comparação entre os conceitos de self na FAP, na ACT e na obra de Skinner. Revista Brasileira De Terapia Comportamental E Cognitiva, 19(3), 220-237.
Morgan, L. P. K., Graham, J. R., Hayes-Skelton, S. A., Orsillo, S. M., & Roemer, L. (2014). Relationships between amount of post-intervention mindfulness practice and follow-up outcome variables in an acceptance-based behavior therapy for Generalized Anxiety Disorder: The importance of informal practice. Journal of Contextual Behavioral Science, 3, 173-178.
Morimoto, H., Kishita, N., Kondo, H., Tanaka, N., Abe, Y., & Muto, T. (2023). Reliability and validity of the Japanese version of the experiential avoidance in caregiving questionnaire (EACQ). Journal of Contextual Behavioral Science, 27, 160-169.
Morina, N. (2007). The role of experiential avoidance in psychological functioning after war-related stress in Kosovar civilians. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 195(8), 697-700. Download restricted to ACBS members.