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Zaldívar & Hernández, 2001

APA Citation

Zaldívar, F., & Hernández, M. (2001). Terapia de Aceptación y Compromiso: Aplicación a un trastorno de evitación experiencial con topografía agorafóbica. Análisis y Modificación de Conducta, 27(113), 425-454.

Publication Topic
ACT: Conceptual
ACT: Empirical
Publication Type
experiential avoidance, acceptance and commitment therapy, agoraphobic disturbance

It is presented the application of Acceptance and commitment Therapy (ACT) (Hayes, Strosahl y Wilson, 1999) to a clinical case functionally defined as Avoidance Experiential and topografically defined a agoraphobic disturbance. The client was a 30 year old woman, married 17 years ago with a 12 year old daughter and an 8 year old son. She informed of agoraphobic problems, anxiety, panic and depression that started when she was pregnant and that were increased with repeated crisis since that moment. The intervention was carried out in 26 sessions (3 assessment, 21 treatment and 2 (3) follow-up). The treatment's efficacy was valorated in terms of the increasing of actions according to the client's values, the decreasing of avoidance responses, of the reason giving verbal context and of ansiolitic medication.

Se expone una aplicacion clinica de la Terapia de Aceptacion y Compromiso (ACT), a un caso definido funcionalmente como 'Trastomo de Evitacion Experiencial' que presentaba una topografia fundamentalmente agorafobica de evolucion cronica. La cliente era una muje de 38 anos, casade desde hacia 17 anos, con una hija y un hijo de 12 y 8 anos respectivamente. Informaba de problemas agorafobicos, de ansiedad, panico y depresion que habian comenzado en su embarazo y que se habian ido agudizando en crisis repitadas desde entonces.....

Article in Spanish.
Articulo en espanol.

Describes the use of ACT in the treatment of agoraphobia and shows resulting data. Case study.