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Wilkos, Tylec, Kułakowska & Kucharska. 2013

APA Citation

Wilkos, E., Tylec, A., Kułakowska, D., & Kucharska, K. (2013). Najnowsze kierunki terapeutyczne w rehabilitacji pacjentów z zaburzeniami psychicznymi. Psychiatria Polska, 4, 621-634.

Publication Topic
ACT: Conceptual
Publication Type

In this paper, the authors attempted to present the comprehensive literature review on the newest therapeutic interventions such as cognitive remediation therapy (CRT), mindfulnessbased cognitive therapy (MBCT), social cognition and interaction training (SCIT), and acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT) which appeared promising whilst their implementing among schizophrenic patients, patients with anxiety disorders, eating disorders, and affective disorders. In the presented work particular attention was focused on two kinds of psychotherapeutic interventions: social cognitive trainings and cognitive remediation therapy (CRT) and their effectiveness in the rehabilitation process of schizophrenic patients. The growing body of research based on application of the above mentioned techniques in psychiatric population gives remarkable hope to improve quality of cognitive and psychosocial therapeutic interventions and to set up both complex and comprehensive therapeutic programme for patients with mental disorders.