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Twohig & Hayes, 2008

APA Citation

Twohig, M., & Hayes, S. C. (2008). ACT Verbatim for Depression and Anxiety: Annotated transcripts for learning Acceptance and Commitment Therapy. Oakland, CA: New Harbinger & Reno, NV: Context Press.

Publication Topic
ACT: Conceptual
ACT: Empirical
Professional Issues in Contextual Behavioral Science
Publication Type
ACT, transcripts, case study, case conceptualization, therapy, depression, anxiety

Since Sigmund Freud published his famous case studies on the Rat Man, the Wolf Man, Little Hans, and others, annotated case transcriptions have been a vital tool for the study and teaching of clinical psychology. These works involve records of the proceedings of client sessions, interpreted and illuminated by the therapists who conduct the interviews. Reading annotated transcripts gives clinicians a chance to prepare for the kinds of situations and problems that come up in their own work. ACT Verbatim for Depression and Anxiety is the first annotated client transcript prepared using the processes of the new and innovative acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT).

Here you'll find clinical transcripts of nine therapy sessions with a client who struggles with anger and depression, moderated by renowned psychologist and ACT founder Steven Hayes. Throughout the work, annotation will give the reader some idea of how the client is functioning with respect to the six ACT core processes. Since ACT is process rather than technique-oriented, this kind of "in the moment" analysis is singularly effective way to learn how to effect the therapy. At the end of each session, the commentators address how well the client is progressing in an ACT sense and give suggestions about how future sessions could be structured for maximum progress.

An invaluable aid for clinicians using the acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT) model, "ACT Verbatim" offers transcripts of actual therapy sessions annotated by ACT cofounder Steven Hayes. The annotations coach therapists on how to work through the ACT core processes and how to deal with common situations encountered in therapy sessions.