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Treatment of relapse fear in breast cancer patients through an ACT-based protocol

APA Citation

Montesinos, F., & Luciano, C. (2005). Treatment of relapse fear in breast cancer patients through an ACT-based protocol. In F. Montesinos. Significados del cancer y procedimientos clinicos para promover la aceptacion (Meanings of cancer and clinical procedures for promoting acceptance). Doctoral Dissertation. University of Almeria (Spain)

Publication Topic
ACT: Empirical
Publication Type
ACT, cancer, survivors, relapse fears

Relapse fears in cancer patients and survivors are related to psychopatological morbidity and adjustment but are difficult or impossible to eliminate. Improving efficacy of psychological treatment for these fears is aimed through Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT). ACT has already been proved with different psychological problems and disorders, and its potential in cancer support is still unknown. 14 sub-clinical non-metastasic breast cancer patients participated. A clinical trial was designed in which an ACT-based brief protocol was applied individually to 8 patients in a unique session for treating relapse fears, while 4 patients were assigned to a waiting list. Intervention included values clarification and exposure to private events associated to fears. Measures from questionnaires and records were taken. Data showed that most of patients decreased interference degree with valued actions. Results matched up with less psychological distress, anxious worrying and hypochondrias. Although this new approach in cancer needs further investigation, this study shows evidence of efficacy of ACT in this field, and its possibilities of application on a key worrying in cancer patients.