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The Effectiveness of ACT on Achievement Motivation and Quality of Life among Female High School Students in Sari.

APA Citation

Samadi, ES., Hasanzadeh, R., & Dousti, Y. (2018). The Effectiveness of ACT on Achievement Motivation and Quality of Life among Female High School Students in Sari. The Journal of Community Health, 5(2), 151-158.

Publication Topic
ACT: Empirical
Publication Type
فارسی (Farsi/Persian)
Acceptance and commitment therapy, Quality of life, Motivation, Students

Background and Objective: Acceptance and commitment therapy is among the ways to increase student's achievement motivationand quality of life. Therefore, the aim of the present study is to determine the effectiveness of acceptance and commitment therapy on the achievement motivationand quality of life among female high school students in Sari in northern Iran.

Materials and Methods: The design of this study was semi-experimental with a pre-test, followed by a test with a control group. Participants included female high school students in Sari who were randomly assigned to two experimental and control groups. Data were collected via the Achievement Motivationand Quality of Life Scale at school. The analysis of covariance was used for data analysis by using SPSS-21 software.

Results: Responses of 30 female high school in the experimental group and 30 in the control group were analyzed. The mean (SD) age of the experimental group was 16.1 (2.4) and 16.6 (3.1) respectively. Acceptance and commitment therapy increased the achievement motivationamong the experimental group from 50.6 (7.6) to 73.6 (6.8), P<0.001. In addition, the quality of life of participants among the experimental group was improved from 62.2 (7.6) to 89.1(7.6), P<0.001. On the other hand, the achievement motivation and quality of life of the control group did not show a significant difference in pre-test and post-test.

Conclusion: Acceptance and commitment therapy increased achievement motivation and quality of life at school among high school student.


چکیذُسهیٌِ ٍّذف :آهَظـهجتٌيثطپصیطـٍتؼْسیىياظضٍـّبیافعایفاًگیعـپیكطفتٍویفیتظًدسگ يزاًدف آهدَظاى زض هسضؾِاؾت.پػٍّف حبضط ثب ّسفتؼییياثطثركي آهَظـ هجتٌي ثط پصیطـ ٍ تؼْس ثط اًگیعـ پیكطفت ٍ ویفیدت ظًدس گي زض هسضؾِ زاًفآهَظاى زذتط هتَؾغِ قْط ؾبضی اًدبم قس.رٍش ٍ هَاد: پػٍّفحبضطاظًَعًیوِتدطثيثبعطحپیفآظهَى-پؽآظهَىثبگطٍُگَاُثدَز .خبهؼدِ آهدبضی، قدبه ولیدِ زاًفآهَظاىزذتطهمغغ هتَؾغِ قْط ؾبضیاؾت وِ 7920ًفط ثَز. اظ ایيتؼساز 60ًفط ثِ ندَض تهدبزف ياًتردبة ٍ زض زٍ گطٍُ آظهبیفٍ گَاُ خبیگعیيقسًس. زازُ ّب ثب اؾتفبزُ اظپطؾكٌبهِ اًگیعـپیكطفتٍویفیتظًدسگ يزضهسضؾدِ خودغ آٍضی قسًسٍ ثبضٍـتحلیوَاضیبًؽ ًٍطم افعاض SPSS-21هَضز تدعیِ ٍ تحلی لطاض گطفتٌس.یبفتِ ّب:هیبًگیي(اًحطاف هؼیبض) ؾي گطٍُ آظهبیفثِ تطتیت1/16(4/2) ٍ گطٍُ وٌتطل 6/16(1/3) ثدَز. آهدَظـ هجتٌد يثدط پصیطـٍتؼْسهَختافعایفاًگیعـپیكطفتزض گطٍُ آظهبیفاظ(6/7)6/50ثِ(8/6)6/73(01/0>Pو ٍ )یفیتظًدسگ يزضهسضؾِاظ(6/7)2/62ثِ(6/7)1/89قس(01/0>P) اهب اًگیعـپیكطفتٍویفیتظًسگيزض گطٍُ گدَاُ، تفدبٍ هؼٌدبزاض یزضپیفآظهَىٍپؽآظهَىًكبىًساز.ًتیجِ گیزی:هغبلؼًِكبىزازآهَظـ هجتٌيثط پصیطـٍ تؼْس هَخت افعایفاًگیعـٍ ویفیتظًسگيزض هسضؾدِ زاًدف آهدَظاى زذتط زٍضُ هتَؾغِ قسُاؾت.ٍاصگبى کلیذی :زضهبىپصیطـٍتؼْس، اًگیعـ، ویفیتظًسگي،زاًفآهَظاى.همبلِانی سلاهت اجتوبعی،زٍضُ پٌدن، قوبضُ 2 ،ثْبض1397، نفحب 151تب 158