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Sloan Wilson, Madhavan, Gelfand & Colwell, 2023

APA Citation

Sloan Wilson, D., Madhavan, G., Gelfand, M. J. & Colwell, R. R. (2023). Multilevel cultural evolution: From new theory to practical applications. PNAS, 120 (16).


Publication Topic
CBS: Conceptual
Professional Issues in Contextual Behavioral Science
Publication Type
Evolutionary science, cultural evolution

Evolutionary science has led to many practical applications of genetic evolution but few practical uses of cultural evolution. This is because the entire study of evolution was gene centric for most of the 20th century, relegating the study and application of human cultural change to other disciplines. The formal study of human cultural evolution began in the 1970s and has matured to the point of deriving practical applications. We provide an overview of these developments and examples for the topic areas of complex systems science and engineering, economics and business, mental health and well-being, and global change efforts.