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Salazar, Ruiz, Flórez, & Suárez Falcón. 2018

APA Citation

Salazar, D. M., Ruiz, F. J., Flórez, C. L., & Suárez Falcón, J. C. (2018). Psychometric Properties of the Generalized Pliance Questionnaire -Children. International journal of psychology and psychological therapy, 18(3), 273-287.

Publication Topic
ACT: Conceptual
RFT: Conceptual
Publication Type
Generalized pliance, Rule-governed behavior, GPQ-C

Empirical research on pliance, a functional class of rule-governed behavior, has been scarce in children. This study aims to develop a children version of the Generalized Pliance Questionnaire (GPQ), a self-report developed for adults that has shown excellent psychometric properties, a one-factor structure, and criterion validity. In so doing, we adapted the vocabulary of some the GPQ items and eliminated the items with content typical of adult life. Afterwards, the GPQ for children (i.e., GPQ-C) was administered to a sample of 797 Colombian children from 8 to 13 years. All items of the GPQ-C showed good discrimination indexes and the whole questionnaire showed adequate internal consistency. A cross-validation study was conducted to analyze the factor structure of the questionnaire. The analysis showed that a one-factor structure showed a good fit to the data. The GPQ-C showed measurement invariance across gender and age group. Girls obtained higher scores than boys on the GPQ-C. Also, the GPQ-C scores seemed to decrease with age. The GPQ-C strongly correlated with measures of psychological inflexibility, repetitive negative thinking, pathological worry, and emotional symptoms. In conclusion, the GPQ-C seems to be a valid and reliable measure of generalized pliance for children.