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Roemer, Salters-Pedneault, & Orsillo, 2006

APA Citation

Roemer, L., Salters-Pedneault, K., & Orsillo, S. M. (2006). Incorporating mindfulness and acceptance-based strategies in the treatment of generalized anxiety disorder. In R. Baer (Ed.), Mindfulness-Based Treatment Approaches: Clinician's Guide to Evidence Base and Applications (pp 52-74). New York: Academic Press.

Publication Topic
ACT: Conceptual
Other Third-Wave Therapies: Conceptual
Publication Type
anxiety, GAD, mindfulness, acceptance, treatment

Table of Contents I. Brief description of GAD 3 II. Theoretical and conceptual rationale for a mindfulness and acceptance-based approach to treating GAD 4 A. The function of worry 4 B. Experiencing internal events as threatening 5 C. Characteristics of GAD associated with worry, avoidance, and reactivity to one’s emotions 5 III. Brief overview of the treatment 7 A. Presentation of our model 8 B. Acceptance and mindfulness-based strategies 10 C. Behavioral change 11 IV. Case Study 13 A. Client background and presenting complaints 13 B. Psychoeducation, Conceptualization, and Monitoring 14 C. Skills Training in Mindfulness 16 D. Identifying Values and Introduction to Valued Action 19 E. Progress Review, Relapse Prevention, and Termination 21 F. Client’s Status Post-treatment and at Follow-up 21 V. Empirical support to date 22 VI. Practical considerations 24 A. Complex clinical presentations: psychotropic medications, comorbidity, and additional treatments 24 B. Type and nature of mindfulness practice 26 C. Qualification and training of therapists 27 D. Relapse prevention 28 E. Challenges of mindfulness 28 VII. Directions for Future Research 30