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Radoń, 2015

APA Citation

Radoń, S. (2015). Psychoza a medytacja. Studia Psychologica: Theoria et praxis, 2, 23-37.

Publication Topic
ACT: Conceptual
Other Third-Wave Therapies: Conceptual
Publication Type
psychosis, meditation

The aim of this paper is presentation of the comprehensive literature of the new therapeutic interventions based on mindfulness (Mindfulness-based Cognitive Therapy MBCT, Acceptance and Commitment Therapy ACT and modifications) which appeared promising whilst their implementing among psychotic patients. MBCT and ACT area contextual forms of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy that attempts to alter one’s relationship to symptoms of psychosis rather than attempting to reduce or control them (traditional approaches to the treatment of psychosis emphasize symptom reduction orelimination). Many clinical and empirical studies (qualitative and quantitative) shows that mindfulness meditation appears to ameliorate psychotic symptoms (improvementsin psychotic symptom severity and frequency of hospitalization, general clinical andpsychosocial functioning, ability to respond mindfully to distressing thoughts and images). The limits of the researches are discussed, especially in case of meditation-inducedpsychotic symptoms (low participant number, uncontrolled designs, a history of psychiatricillness of participants, exposition to intensive meditation practise – 18 hoursof meditation per day with prolonged periods of fasting and silence). In summary theconceptual clinical applications of the theory are presented: Mindfulness (adaptationsof ACT and MBCT) in context of contemporary clinical practice is shown to improvedelusion-related regulatory capacity and modify participant’s perception of psychotic experiences (centering in awareness of psychosis; allowing voices, thoughts, and imagesto come and go without reacting or struggle; and reclaiming power through acceptanceof psychosis and the self).