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Montoya-Rodríguez & Molina-Cobos. 2019

APA Citation

Montoya-Rodríguez, M. M., & Molina-Cobos, F. J. (2019). Training perspective taking skills in individuals with intellectual disabilities: A functional approach. Journal of Contextual Behavioral Science, 14, 1-10.

Publication Topic
RFT: Conceptual
Publication Type
Relational Frame Theory, RFT, perspective taking

The Relational Frame Theory (RFT) approach to language and cognition allows for the laying down of theoretical foundations for a new way of addressing research on perspective taking. RFT perspective-taking protocol has been put into practice in several studies. However, some studies have demonstrated the need to modify said protocol in order to address the skills that have traditionally been studied from a cognitive approach. This study aims to develop a new functional perspective-taking protocol that answers the limitations found in previous studies. Furthermore, we analyse the impact of this training protocol on traditional Theory of Mind tasks in individuals with intellectual disabilities. The results indicate that all the participants experienced an improvement in their Theory of Mind skills.

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