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Montesinos et al., 2019

APA Citation

Montesinos, F., Páez, M., McCracken, L. M., Rodríguez-Rey, R., Núñez, S., González, C., Díaz-Meco, R., & Hernando, A. (2019). Communication skills in the context of psychological flexibility: training is associated with changes in responses to chronic pain in physiotherapy students in Spain. British Journal of Pain. In Press.


Publication Topic
ACT: Conceptual
Publication Type
Chronic pain, psychological flexibility, physiotherapy, health psychology, training, Acceptance and Commitment Therapy


The aim of this study is to explore the effectiveness of a training programme aimed at managing patients’ chronic pain in physiotherapy students in Spain. The programme addressed providing them with efficient skills to manage patients’ chronic pain from psychological flexibility (PF) perspective.


The programme integrates communication skills training into PF-based training. It sought to contribute to better recognise the role of psychosocial factors in chronic pain and to better promote adherence to treatment. This is an observational study with a pre- and post-training programme design and a 2-month follow-up. A total of 35 physiotherapy students, divided into three groups, participated in a 10-hour training course. Training focused on three areas: (1) communication skills, (2) therapeutic adherence and (3) managing distress and pain. The three areas were addressed from the PF point of view. Impact of training was measured through standardised questionnaires that assessed attitudes towards chronic pain, an ad hoc questionnaire that assessed responses to difficult communicative situations and a training satisfaction scale.


Final analyses showed that attitudes changed significantly after training, biomedical attitude scores decreased and biopsychosocial attitude increased, while pain was considered less disabling, and informed empathic responses in communication situations increased. These changes were maintained at 2-month follow-up. Satisfaction with the training was high.


We conclude that a brief training programme based on the PF model may help students develop a more comprehensive approach and improve their skills for managing chronic pain.