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MacKenzie & Kocovski, 2010

APA Citation

MacKenzie, M. B., & Kocovski, N. L. (2010). Self-reported acceptance of social anxiety symptoms: Development and validation of the Social Anxiety - Acceptance and Action Questionnaire. International Journal of Behavioral Consultation and Therapy, 6, 214 – 232.

Publication Topic
ACT: Empirical
Publication Type
anxiety, social anxiety, mindfulness, acceptance, acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT)

Mindfulness and acceptance-based interventions have been used in social anxiety treatments with
initial success. Further research requires the psychometrically sound measurement of mechanisms of
change associated with these treatments. This research was conducted to develop and evaluate such a
measure, the Social Anxiety – Acceptance and Action Questionnaire (SA-AAQ) which was created to
assess acceptance specific to social anxiety symptoms. The results indicated that the SA-AAQ has good
internal consistency and good convergent and divergent validity. Findings suggest that the SA-AAQ is a
psychometrically sound instrument proposed to measure acceptance of social anxiety symptoms, a
potential mechanism of change in mindfulness and acceptance-based interventions for social anxiety.