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Luoma, Davis, Watts, & McCracken. 2020

APA Citation

Luoma, J. B., Davis, A. K., Watts, R., &. McCracken, L. M. (2020). Integrating contextual behavioral science with research on psychedelic assisted therapy: Introduction to the special section. Journal of Contextual Behavioral Science, 15, 207-209.

Publication Topic
Other Third-Wave Therapies: Conceptual
Publication Type

Scientific research on the therapeutic use of psychedelics has rapidly expanded over the past decade and, over the next decade, they may be approved for clinical use. Psychedelics have been used for centuries in ritual, community, and spiritual contexts and yet the potential for a scientific approach to these drugs has possibly never been greater than it is now. Modern well controlled trials show preliminary efficacy in relation to a range of different psychological problems. In this introduction we outline the aims of this special issue, present the case for integrating psychedelics and contextual behavioral science, and provide an overview of the papers in the issue.

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