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Lundgren, Reinebo, Löf, Näslund, Svartvadet, & Parling. 2018

APA Citation

Lundgren T., Reinebo G., Löf, P. O., Näslund, M., Svartvadet P., & Parling T. (2018). The Values, Acceptance, and Mindfulness Scale for Ice Hockey: A Psychometric Evaluation. Frontiers in Psychology, 9, 1-7.

Publication Topic
ACT: Empirical
Other Third-Wave Therapies: Empirical
Publication Type
mindfulness, acceptance, values based skills, VAMS

There is an increased interest in mindfulness, acceptance, and values based skills training interventions in sports but there is a lack of psychometrically evaluated instruments to investigate the processes adapted to sport populations. This paper describes the development and investigation of an instrument that measure acceptance, mindfulness, and values for ice hockey players. Ice hockey players at elite and sub elite level (n = 94) in Sweden participated in the study. The results reveal that the values, acceptance, and mindfulness (VAMS) shows acceptable internal consistency (a = 0.76) and satisfactory validity. Furthermore, scores on the VAMS predicts ice hockey performance as measured by assists and team points. Future research is suggested to evaluate the sensitivity of the instrument for longitudinal research design studies. In conclusion, VAMS is a useful instrument for practitioners and researchers to increase the knowledge in how psychological processes such as acceptance, mindfulness, and values influence performance among ice hockey players.