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Hyla, 2017

APA Citation

Hyla, M. (2017). Dlaczego opieramy się własnym marzeniom? Rozwój osobisty w perspektywie modelu elastyczności psychologicznej. Chowanna, 49(2), 373-388.

Publication Topic
ACT: Conceptual
ACT: Empirical
Publication Type
psychological flexibility; values; motivation; creativity

The main aim of the article is to present the model of psychological flexibility and to describe how can it be useful for purpose of understanding psychological mechanisms of living value-based life or resisting one’s dreams. The paper depicts basic assumptions of psychological flexibility model and its six core processes. The article presents also original research (N = 111) on relationship between psychological flexibility (AAQ-II), value-based life (VQ), committed action (CAQ), motivation (GMS), and creativity (SPTO). Data suggest that psychological flexibility is strongly positively correlated with committed action, progress in values, internal motivation and creativity, while negatively correlated with values obstruction and external motivation.