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Hesser, H. (2013) Tinnitus in Context A Contemporary Contextual Behavioral Approach. (Thesis) Linköping University, Sweden.

APA Citation

Hesser, H. (2013) Tinnitus in Context A Contemporary Contextual Behavioral Approach. (Thesis) Linköping University, Sweden.

Publication Topic
ACT: Conceptual
ACT: Empirical
CBS: Conceptual
CBS: Empirical
Publication Type
tinnitus, tinnitus distress, cognitive behavioral therapy, experiential avoidance, acceptance and commitment therapy

Tinnitus is the experience of sounds in the ears without any external auditory source and is a common, debilitating, chronic symptom for which we have yet to develop sufficiently efficacious interventions. Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) has evolved over the last 20 years to become the most empirically supported treatment for treating the adverse effects of tinnitus. Nevertheless, a significant proportion of individuals do not benefit from CBT-based treatments. In addition, the theoretical underpinnings of the CBT-model are poorly developed, the relative efficacy of isolated procedures has not yet been demonstrated, and the mechanisms of therapeutic change are largely unknown. These significant limitations preclude scientific progression and, as a consequence, leave many individuals with tinnitus suffering.

To address some of these issues, a contextual multi-method, principle-focused inductive scientific strategy, based on pragmatic philosophy, was employed in the present thesis project. The overarching aim of the thesis was to explore the utility of a functional dimensional process in tinnitus: Experiential avoidance-experiential openness/acceptance (EA). EA is defined as the inclination to avoid or alter the frequency, duration, or intensity of unwanted internal sensations, including thoughts, feelings or physical sensations. The thesis is based on experimental work (Study II, VI), process and mediation studies (Study I, III, V), and on randomized controlled trials (Study III, IV).