Ebrahimpour, G., Mirzaian, B., & Hasanzadeh, R. (2019). Effectiveness of ACT on Psychological Well-Being, Quality of Life and Depression in Patients with Epilepsy. The Journal of Shahid Sadoughi University of Medical sciences (JSSU), 27(2), 1262-1279. https://doi.org/10.18502/ssu.v27i2.1046
زضٔبٖ ٔجت٣ٙ ثط پص٤طـ ٚ تقٟس، ثٟع٤ؿت٣ ضٚاٖقٙبذت٣، و٥ف٥ت ظ٘س٣ٌ، افؿطز٣ٌ، صطؿ
Introduction: Epilepsy is known as a cerebrovascular disorder with a continuing readiness for epileptic seizures and psychological neuropsychological outcomes. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effectiveness of acceptance and commitment therapy on psychological well -being, quality of life and depression in patients with epilepsy.
Methods: The study was a quasi - experimental with a pre -test, post -test design with a control group. The statistical population of the study consisted of 76 patients, of whom 20 were selected by available sampling method and they were randomly divided into two experimental and control groups. The experimental group received the acceptance and commitment group therapy in eight sessions each of which in two hour s. Before and after the intervention, the Multidimensional Reef psychological well -being questionnaire, Quality of life questionnaire, Beck Depression Inventory was administrated in both groups. Data were analyzed using covariance test and SPSS20 software.
Results: The findings of this study showed that acceptance and commitment based treatment had a significant effect on psychological well -being, quality of life and depression in the level of error less than p <0.0001. And the result of P -value was reported as 42.6 02, 17. 927, 5 3 .528, respectively.
Conclusion : The results of this study show that acceptance and commitment therapy is significantly effective in the patients with epilepsy using techniques such as attention to the present time, acceptance and cognitive impairment in increasing psychological well -being and quality of life and reducing depression. Considering the effect of admission therapy and commitment in using this method at all levels of prevention and treatment of the patients with physical and mental illness seems necessary.
هقذهِ: صطؿ ثٝفٙٛاٖ ٤ه اذتلاَ ٔغع٢ ثب آٔبز٣ٌ ٔساْٚ ثطا٢ ثٝضٚظ حٕلات صطف٣ ٚ پ٥بٔس ٞب٢ فصت ضٚاٖقٙبذت٣ قٙبذتٝ ٣ٔقٛز.
پػٚٞف حبضط ثب ٞسف ثطضؾ٣ اثطثرك٣ زضٔبٖ پص٤طـ ٚ تقٟس ثط ثٟع٤ؿت٣ ضٚاٖقٙبذت٣، و٥ف٥ت ظ٘س٣ٌ ٚ افؿطز٣ٌ ث٥ٕبضاٖ ٔجتلا ثٝ
صطؿ ا٘دبْ قس.
رٍش بزرسی: ا٤ٗ ٔغبِقٝ ثٝصٛضت قجٝ تدطث٣ ثب عطح پ٥فآظٖٔٛ، پؽآظٖٔٛ ثب ٌطٜٚ وٙتطَ ا٘دبْ قس. خبٔقٝ آٔبض٢ پػٚٞف حبضط
76 ث٥ٕبض ثٛز وٝ 20 ٘فط ثٝ ضٚـ ٥ٌٕٝ٘ٛ٘ط٢ زض زؾتطؼ ا٘تربة ٚ ثٝ صٛضت تصبزف٣ زض زٚ ٌطٜٚ آظٔب٤ف ٚ وٙتطَ لطاض ٌطفتٙس. ٌطٜٚ
آظٔب٤ف تحت زضٔبٖ ٌط٣ٞٚ ٔجت٣ٙ ثط پص٤طـ ٚ تقٟس زض ع٣ 8 خّؿٝ 2 ؾبفتٝ لطاض ٌطفت، ٚ ٌطٜٚ ٌٛاٜ، ٥ٞچٌٛ٘ٝ ٔساذّٝا٢ زض٤بفت
٘ىطز. لجُ ٚ ثقس اظ ٔساذّٝ، پطؾف٘بٔٝ ثٟع٤ؿت٣ ضٚاٖقٙبذت٣ ض٤ف، و٥ف٥ت ظ٘سSf-12٣ٌ، افؿطز٣ٌ ثه زض ٞط زٚ ٌطٜٚ اخطا قس.
زازٜٞب اظ عط٤ك آظٖٔٛ وٛٚاض٤ب٘ؽ ٚ ثب اؾتفبزٜ اظ ٘طْافعاض SPSS Inc., Chicago, IL; version 19 ٔٛضز تدع٤ٝ ٚ تح٥ُّ لطاض ٌطفت.
ًتایج: ٤بفتٝٞب٢ حبصُ ٘كبٖ زاز وٝ زضٔبٖ ٔجت٣ٙ ثط پص٤طـ ٚ تقٟس ثٝعٛض ٔق٣ٙزاض٢ زض ؾغح ذغب٢ وٕتط اظp>0/0001 ثط
ثٟع٤ؿت٣ ضٚا٘كٙبذت٣، و٥ف٥ت ظ٘س٣ٌ ٚ افؿطز٣ٌ ٔٛثط ثٛزٜ اؾت. ٚ ٔمساض f حبصُ ثٝ تطت٥ت 42/602، 17/927، 528/ 53 ٌعاضـ
ًتيجِگيزی: ٘تب٤ح ا٤ٗ پػٚٞف ٘كبٖ ٣ٔزٞص وٝ زضٔبٖ ٔجت٣ٙ ثط پص٤طـ ٚ تقٟس ثب اؾتفبزٜ اظ تى٥ٙهٞب٣٤ چٖٛ تٛخٝ ثٝ ظٔبٖ حبَ،
پص٤طـ ٚ ٘بٞٓخٛق٣ قٙبذت٣ زض افعا٤ف ثٟع٤ؿت٣ ضٚاٖقٙبذت٣ ٚ و٥ف٥ت ظ٘س٣ٌ ٚ وبٞف افؿطز٣ٌ زض ث٥ٕبضاٖ ٔجتلا ثٝ صطؿ ثٝعٛض
ٔق٣ٙزاض٢ ٔٛثط اؾت. ثب تٛخٝ ثٝ تأث٥ط زضٔبٖ ٔجت٣ٙ ثط پص٤طـ ٚ تقٟس ثٝ وبض٥ٌط٢ ا٤ٗ ضٚـ زض ٕٞٝ ؾغٛح پ٥ك٥ٍط٢ ٚ زضٔبٖ
ٔجتلا٤بٖ ثٝ ث٥ٕبض٢ٞب٢ خؿ٣ٕ ٚ ضٚح٣ ضطٚض٢ ثٝ ٘ؾط ٣ٔضؾس.