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Effect of the Acceptance Commitment Therapy on Social Anxiety and Quality of Life of Socially Anxious College students. Korean Journal of Youth Studies

APA Citation

Lee, J. & Kim, E. (2019). Effect of the Acceptance Commitment Therapy on Social Anxiety and Quality of Life of Socially Anxious College students. Korean Journal of Youth Studies, 26(2), 45-74.

Publication Topic
ACT: Empirical
Publication Type
한국어 (Korean)
사회불안장애; 사회불안; 삶의 질; 수용전념치료; 수용; 마음챙김; 가치
Social Anxiety; Quality of Life; Acceptance and Commitment Therapy; Mediation Effect; Acceptance; Mindfulness; Value

연구는 수용전념치료가 사회불안을 경험하는대학생의사회불안감소와삶의질향상에유의미한효과를나타내는지를검증하였다. 나아가사회불안의수용, 마음챙김및가치가치료의효과를매개하는지를검증하였다. 사회불안을경험하는 47명의 대학생을 치료집단 24, 통제집단 23명으로 무선할당 하였다. 치료의효과를검증하기위해두집단은세번의시점(사전-중간-사후)에걸쳐사회불안, 삶의질, 사회불안수용, 마음챙김, 가치를측정하였다. 추가로치료집단을대상으로추적평가를실시하여치료의지속효과를검증하였다. 결과는치료집단이통제집단에비해사회불안의감소와삶의질의향상이유의미하였다. 추적평가에서삶의질및수용의개선효과는지속되었으나사회불안감소의효과는지속되지않았다. 사회불안의수용과마음챙김의매개효과는유의미했지만가치의매개효과는나타나지않았다. 본연구는대학생의사회불안장애의치료에있어수용전념치료의이론적근거에기초한치료의기제가실제의임상적인효과를나타내는지를검증함으로써, 심리치료연구의발전에기여했다는점에서의의가있다.

This study examined whether the Acceptance and Commitment Group Therapy had a effect on alleviating social anxiety and enhancing quality of life. Secondly, the study focused on figuring out whether the acceptance, mindfullness and value mediated treatment effects. Forty-seven participants were randomly assigned into a treatment group and a control group. Two groups completed the measures of symptom of social anxiety, quality of life, mediation variable of treatment in the three stages(pre-, middle- and post-test). In addition, treatment group was followed up at four weeks after post-test to examine sustained effect of treatment. The result indicated that among the treatment group, symptoms of social anxiety were significantly alleviated and their life quality notably improved, compared with the control group. In addition, the increasing acceptance and mindfullness mediated reduced social anxiety and improved quality of life. In following up test, social anxiety had arisen to the middle-test level. On the other hand therapeutic effects on quality of life and acceptance were persisted. The implications and limitations were suggested with the future direction.