Elahe, R., Mahtab, A., Abed, M., & Ali Asghar, G. (2019). Effect of acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT) on anxiety in infertile women during treatment: A randomized trial. Journal of Biochemical Technology, Special Issue(2), 78-86.
Background: Regarding the prevalence of infertility in the community and its psychological problems such as depression and anxiety that affect the lives of infertile women, they need an appropriate treatment for reduce their anxiety.
Objective: The present study with the aim of investigating the effect of acceptance and commitment therapy on anxiety in infertile women during treatment was performed.
Materials and Methods: This study was clinical trial with pretest and posttest. Participants were 35 infertile women who referring to the infertility center in Arak that were selected with score of mild and moderate anxiety with convenient sampling method and they were randomly assigned in two experiment and control groups (18 and 17 infertile women respectively). Eight 90 minutes sessions twice in a week of acceptance and commitment therapy held for experiment group. Collecting data tool was Beck Anxiety Inventory.
Results: There was statistically significant difference on score of anxiety in pretest and posttest between experiment and control groups (p < 0/05).
Conclusion: It seems that the approach of group acceptance and commitment therapy affected on reduce anxiety in infertile women.