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Dudek, Ostaszewski, Białaszek, Malicki, & Skarżyńska. 2014

APA Citation

Dudek, J., Ostaszewski, P., Białaszek, W., Malicki, S., & Skarżyńska, A. (2014). Związek elastyczności psychologicznej i spostrzeganej stygmatyzacji z satysfakcją z życia osób chorych na padaczkę: perspektywa terapii akceptacji i zaangażowania (ACT). Postępy Psychiatrii i Neurologii, 23, 17-24.

Publication Topic
ACT: Conceptual
Publication Type
padaczka, satysfakcja z życia, stygmatyzacja, elastyczność psychologiczna, terapia akceptacji i zaangażowania (ACT)

Objectives: Epilepsy is one of the most common neurological disorder with broad impacton psychological functioning of patients. The main objective of the article is to examinelinks between psychological flexibility (PF), perceived stigma and satisfaction with life inpeople suffering from epilepsy in Poland. Moreover, we wanted to check if the level ofpsychological flexibility moderates their satisfaction with life. Methods: One hundred andforty four respondents participated in the study (72 respondents suffering from epilepsy).They were surveyed with the following questionnaires: SWLS, AAQ-II and scale to measurethe perceived stigma. Results: The study showed that the participants suffering fromepilepsy had lower quality of life and lower psychological flexibility while their perceived stigma level was higher. In addition, it was shown that psychological flexibility can predict the level of satisfaction with life. Conclusions: The results suggest, that Acceptance andCommitment Therapy, which is aimed at improving the level of psychologicalflexibility, might be a valuable treatment option for people with epilepsy in Poland.