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Dixon & Hayes, L., 1999

APA Citation

Dixon, M., & Hayes, L. J. (1999). A behavioral analysis of dreaming. The Psychological Record, 40(4), 613-628.

Publication Topic
Behavior Analysis: Conceptual
Publication Type

The behavior of dreaming has not received much attention from the behavioral community. Therefore, the purpose of the present paper is to provide a comprehensive behavior analytic interpretation of dreams. First, the paper briefly traces the development of dream theory from Greek philosophy, through empiricistic accounts, to the growing trend towards physiological explanations . Second, the paper discusses the existing behavioral interpretations of dreams based on the works of B. F. Skinner and of J. R . Kantor. Third, the paper suggests an alternative behavior analytic interpretation of dreaming based on the substitution of stimulus functions, and the performance of implicit actions lacking in order and effectiveness. Last, the paper provides suggestions as to the nature of dream research and to the understanding of dream meaning from a behavioral perspective.