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De AAQ-II (Acceptance and Action Questionnaire-II), een maat voor experiëntiële vermijding: normering bij jongeren

APA Citation

Bernaerts, I., De Groot, F., & Kleen, M. (2012). De AAQ-II (Acceptance and Action Questionnaire-II), een maat voor experiëntiële vermijding: normering bij jongeren. Gedragstherapie, 45, 389-399.

Publication Topic
ACT: Empirical
Publication Type
AAQ-II, Acceptance and Action Questionnaire, experiential avoidance, psychological flexibility, acceptance, questionnaire, psychometric properties, adolescents

The Acceptance and Action Questionnaire-II (AAQ-II) is measuring experiential avoidance, or its opposite: psychological flexibility. In 2008 the questionnaire was officially translated into Dutch and the psychometric properties were examined in an adult population (Jacobs, Kleen, De Groot & A-Tjak, 2008). Experiential avoidance is the avoidance of negatively evaluated inner experiences. This process is playing a role in a large variety of psychological problems. Initially the AAQ-II was counting 10 items, but recent research showed a 7-item version was psychometrically stronger. The present research confirms this. The AAQ-II was presented to a sample of 611 Flemish students with an average age of 16 years. Average scores and percentiles are presented by sex and type of education. Also correlations with other questionnaires are presented. The Dutch AAQ-II proves to be a psychometrically strong instrument for adolescents.