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Connect and Shape: A Parenting Meta-Strategy

APA Citation

Whittingham, K. (2015). Connect and shape: A parenting meta-strategy. Journal of Contextual Behavioral Science, 4, 103-106.

Publication Topic
Other Third-Wave Therapies: Conceptual
Publication Type
Parenting, Attachment, Responsiveness, Meta-emotion, Contextual behavioral science

The existing parenting literature is dominated by two worldviews: the behavioral worldview and the relational/emotional worldview. Points of tension between these worldviews are apparent within the scientific literature; however, both approaches can be fully incorporated into an evolutionary science paradigm including contextual behavioral science. Connect and shape is a parenting meta-strategy that combines behavioral and the relational/emotional strategies into a single parent–child interaction. The elements of connect and shape are not new. What is new is the combination of parental responsiveness/emotion coaching and behavioral parenting strategies into a single, clearly elucidated meta-strategy that can be easily incorporated into parenting intervention.

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