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Bond, Hayes, & Barnes-Holmes, 2006

APA Citation

Bond, F. W., Hayes, S. C., & Barnes-Holmes, D. ( 2006). Psychological Flexibility, ACT and Organizational Behavior. In S. C. Hayes, F. W. Bond, D. Barnes-Holmes, & J. Austin (Eds.), Acceptance and Mindfulness at Work: Applying Acceptance and Commitment Therapy and Relational Frame Theory to Organizational Behavior Management (pp. 25-54). Binghamton, NY: The Haworth Press.

Publication Topic
ACT: Conceptual
RFT: Conceptual
Publication Type
Relational Frame Theory, organizational behavior, organizational development, psychological inflexibility, ACT, individual differences

This paper offers organizational behavior management(OBM) a behavior analytically consistent way to expand its analysis of, and methods for changing, organizational behavior. It shows how Relational Frame Theory (RFT) suggests that common, problematic, psychological processes emerge from language itself, and they produce psychological inflexibility. Research suggests that an applied extension of RFT, Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, has led to new interventions that increase psychological flexibility and, thereby enhance, organizational behavior and health.