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Barnes-Holmes, Rodríguez, & Whelan, 2005

APA Citation

Barnes-Holmes, D., Rodríguez Valverde, M., & Whelan, R. (2005). La teoría de los marcos relacionales y el análisis experimental del lenguaje y la cognición. Revista Latinoamericana de Psicología, 37, 255-275. [Relational Frame Theory and the experimental analysis of language and cognition. Latinamerican Journal of Psychology, 37, 255-275]

Publication Topic
RFT: Conceptual
Publication Type
Relational Frame Theory, language, cognition, verbal behavior, empirical review, RFT

This paper reviews the empirical evidence relevant to RFT as a valid research approach to the experimental analysis of language and cognition. This evidence is presented in regard to two key issues of the theory: the operant nature of derived relational responding and the relationship between derived stimulus relations and language. The reviewed studies clearly support the RFT view of verbal behavior. They provide empirical evidence that RFT is a powerful and promising research program that has led to very positive outcomes in a research area that has traditionally been difficult for behavior analysis. These studies also indicate that RFT can provide a functional account of some findings typically obtained by cognitive research on language.

One of the first (perhaps the first) RFT research reviews published in Spanish.