Barnes, D., Lawlor, H., Smeets, P. M., & Roche, B. (1996). Stimulus equivalence and academic self-concept among mildly mentally handicapped and nonhandicapped children. The Psychological Record, 46, 87-107.
The authors (researchers at the National U of Ireland and University Cork, Ireland) examined self-concept using the stimulus equivalence procedure. Subjects were 12 mildly mentally handicapped (MMH) and 12 nonhandicapped (NMH). A statistically significant difference in performance between Ss was obtained, with MMH Ss producing significantly lower equivalence responding (i.e., failing to match their own name to the word Able). Results suggest preexperimentally established EQRs between the MMH Ss' own names and the descriptive term Slow may have disrupted the formation of experimentally induced EQRs.