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Barnes, Browne, Smeets, & Roche, 1995

APA Citation

Barnes, D., Browne, M., Smeets, P., & Roche, B. (1995). A transfer of functions and a conditional transfer of functions through equivalence relations in three to six year old children. The Psychological Record, 45, 405-430.

Publication Topic
Behavior Analysis: Empirical
RFT: Empirical
Publication Type
conditional transfer of discriminative functions in equivalence relations, 3-6 yr olds, Ireland

The authors, researchers at the National University of Ireland and University of Cork, conducted research on equivalence relations in which all subjects showed the predicted transfer of discriminative function through the equivalence of a stimuli.

Transfer and contextually-controlled transfer in kids of different ages with the older subjects passing the more complex tests. A nice example of a nonautomated transfer study.