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Avoidance and Activation as Keys to Depression: Adaptation of the BADS

APA Citation

Barraca, J., Pérez-Álvarez, M., & Lozano, J.H. (2011). Avoidance and Activation as Keys to Depression: Adaptation of the Behavioral Activation for Depression Scale in a Spanish Sample. The Spanish Journal of Psychology, 14 (2), On line first (

Publication Topic
Other Third-Wave Therapies: Empirical
Publication Type
Behavioral Activation, Depression, Psychotherapy, Test validation, Spain

In this paper we present the adaptation of the Behavioral Activation for Depression Scale (BADS), developed by Kanter, Mulick, Busch, Berlin, and Martell (2007), in a Spanish sample. The psychometric properties were tested in a sample of 263 participants (124 clinical and 139 non-clinical). The results show that, just as in the original English version, the Spanish BADS is a valid and internally consistent scale. Construct validity was examined by correlation with the BDI-II, AAQ, ATQ, MCQ-30, STAI and EROS. Factor analysis justified the four-dimensions of the original instrument (Activation, Avoidance/Rumination, Work/School Impairment and Social Impairment), although with some differences in the factor loadings of the items. Further considerations about the usefulness of the BADS in the clinical treatment of depressed patients are also suggested.