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Acceptance and commitment therapy for psychosis: Current status, lingering questions and future directions

APA Citation

Morris, E. M., Johns, L. C., & Gaudiano, B. A. (2023). Acceptance and commitment therapy for psychosis: Current status, lingering questions and future directions. Psychology and Psychotherapy: Theory, Research and Practice.

Publication Topic
ACT: Conceptual
Contextual Methodology and Scientific Strategy
Publication Type
acceptance and commitment therapy, cognitive behavioural therapy for psychosis, mindfulness, psychotic disorders



Acceptance and Commitment Therapy for psychosis (ACTp) is a contextual behavioural intervention that promotes psychological flexibility by fostering active acceptance, cognitive defusion, values construction and committed action to enhance well-being and recovery. Multiple studies have shown that ACTp is acceptable and efficacious, but questions remain as to its distinction from similar approaches and the conditions under which it would be implemented most effectively.


We present the current evidence for processes and outcomes of ACTp and summarise the qualitative findings of experiences of service users in ACT programmes. We compare ACTp with other cognitive behavioural therapies and mindfulness-informed interventions for psychosis.


Acceptance and commitment therapy for psychosis is promising as a pragmatic, process-driven intervention model. Further efforts are needed to investigate psychological flexibility in the context of psychosis with observational, experimental and intervention studies that will inform model scope and treatment refinement. Additionally, implementation research is the necessary next step, including how support persons can be trained in ACTp. Lower intensity and technology-assisted approaches have the potential to reduce barriers to accessing ACTp and extend impact.


Over the last 20 years, ACTp has demonstrated meaningful effects in individual and group formats in a range of settings, targeting outcomes such as rehospitalisation, depression, psychotic symptom distress and impact. Future work should focus on how best to integrate ACTp with other current evidence-based interventions for psychosis.