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Acceptance and Commitment Therapy Applied to Treatment of Auditory Hallucinations

APA Citation

Veiga-Martínez, C., Pérez-Álvarez, M., & García-Montes, J. M. (2008). Acceptance and commitment therapy applied to treatment of auditory hallucinations. Clinical Case Studies, 7(2), 118-135.

Publication Topic
ACT: Empirical
Publication Type
auditory hallucinations; hearing voices; acceptance and commitment therapy

Acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT) represents a new generation of behavior therapies that, after having received empirical support in a variety of disorders characterized by experiential avoidance, also offers a promising new treatment for psychosis. In contrast to the traditional treatment, in which both antipsychotic medication and cognitive-behavioral therapy focus on reducing symptoms, ACT proposes active acceptance and at the same time orientation of the person toward the achievement of worthwhile goals for his or her life in spite of symptoms, such as auditory hallucinations. In this case, a 30-year-old male diagnosed with schizophrenia demonstrates the logic and effectiveness of ACT as well as its applicability as part of the routine activities of a clinical psychologist in a public mental health care center.