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A Case of Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder

APA Citation

Twohig, M. P., & Whittal, M. L. (2009). A Case of Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder. Cognitive and Behavioral Practice, 16, 3-6.

Publication Topic
ACT: Conceptual
ACT: Empirical
Publication Type

This article presents the case of a 51-year old woman with obsessive-compulsive disorder. “Caroline” reported obsessions of harming people secondary to spreading her “bad energy,” which is experienced as dust on her hands and in her mouth. To prevent harm coming to others she mentally “vacuums” the dust, creates mental protective barriers around nearby people and avoids touching others for fear of transmitting her bad energy. Although she reported a childhood onset of obsessions and compulsions, it exacerbated in the context of multiple stressors 4 years prior to seeking treatment. Her Yale-Brown Obsessive Compulsive Scale total score was in the moderate range at intake. Predisposing, precipitating, and maintaining factors are described in addition to the specific symptom presentation.