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Post-Doctoral Fellowships, Weight, Eating, and Lifestyle Sciences Center, Drexel University, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Research and Clinical Post-Doctoral Fellowships at the WELL Center

The Center for Weight, Eating and Lifestyle Science (WELL Center; is currently recruiting five postdoctoral fellows: two obesity/health promotion research postdoc fellow, one eating disorder research postdoc fellow, one eating disorders clinical post-doctoral fellow and one eating disorders and/or obesity clinical postdoc fellow. We will consider applicants who desire an entirely remote position and/or are unable to relocate. The research postdoctoral fellowship positions offer ample opportunities for, and training/mentoring in, manuscript writing, grant writing, the use of innovative technology and methodology, and leadership roles. In addition, the research positions are flexible depending on the interests of the postdoctoral fellow, and considerable attention will be devoted to developing the fellow’s line of research including the planning and execution of an independent project. Pilot study funding will be provided. In addition, the postdoc fellow will be mentored in the writing of one or more independent grant proposals. As a result of fellowship activities, training, and mentorship, fellows will be highly competitive for tenure-track and research faculty positions (including at the WELL Center), NIH Loan Repayment Program and for NIH training grants (e.g., F32s, K23s). The clinical postdoctoral fellowship position will provide mandated hours and supervision for state licensure purposes. Details of the four positions are provided below, along with application links. Deadline: December 15, 2021. Of note, applications will be reviewed as they are received, and thus we encourage applying as soon as possible.

Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Obesity and Health Promotion

The Center for Weight, Eating and Lifestyle Science (WELL Center; is currently recruiting for two Obesity and Health Promotion Postdoctoral Research Fellows under the supervision of Meghan Butryn, Ph.D. and Evan Forman, Ph.D.
The research position offers ample opportunities for training in manuscript writing, grant writing, the use of innovative technology and methodology, and leadership roles. Considerable attention also will be devoted to developing the fellow’s line of research, with pilot study funding available. Responsibilities include providing mentorship to research coordinators and undergraduate and graduate students; developing materials for interventions in the areas of obesity, physical activity promotion, and dietary change; conducting statistical analyses; and writing scientific manuscripts. It also is expected that between 20-50% of the fellow’s time will be devoted to clinical tasks, providing intervention as part of clinical trials in the areas of adult obesity prevention, obesity treatment, or lifestyle modification for cancer survivors. As a result of fellowship activities, training, and mentorship, fellows will be highly competitive for the NIH Loan Repayment Program and f or NIH training grants (e.g., K23s). Postdoc fellows will be highly competitive for research and tenure track faculty positions, and several previous postdoc fellows have transitioned to faculty positions through this means. The target start date is summer or fall of 2022. The ideal candidate will have a doctorate in clinical psychology and have behavioral weight loss treatment experience. A strong background in statistical analysis and excellent writing skills are required.

Essential Functions
• Overseeing research coordinators, undergraduate and graduate students
• Monitoring study protocols
• Assisting in the development of treatment protocols
• Providing training to graduate students
• Assisting with development and iteration of the technologies, methodologies and algorithmic functions of the research projects
• Data processing and analysis
• Conducting statistical analyses
• Developing follow-up designs and grant proposals
• Writing scientific manuscripts
• Clinical service and/or supervision of clinical service
• Conducting assessments of potential participants
• Leading treatment groups

Link to online application:

Postdoctoral Research Fellow - Eating Disorders

The Center for Weight, Eating and Lifestyle Science (WELL Center; is currently recruiting for a Postdoctoral Research Fellow: Treatment Development and Evaluation for Eating Disorders under the joint supervision of Adrienne Juarascio, Ph.D. and Stephanie Manasse, Ph.D. The postdoctoral research position offers ample opportunities for, and training/mentoring in, manuscript writing, grant writing, the use of innovative technology and methodology, and leadership roles. In addition, the research position is flexible depending on the interests of the postdoctoral fellow, and considerable attention will be devoted to developing the fellow’s line of research including the planning and execution of an independent project. Pilot study funding will be provided. In addition, the postdoc fellow will be mentored in the writing of one or more independent grant proposals. Responsibilities include assistance overseeing research coordinators, undergraduate and graduate s tudents; monitoring study protocols, conducting statistical analyses; writing scientific manuscripts, and potentially clinical service and/or supervision of clinical service. As a result of fellowship activities, training, and mentorship, fellows will be highly competitive for the NIH Loan Repayment Program and for NIH training grants (e.g., F32s, K23s). Start date is negotiable.
This position entails working on clinical trials examining innovative treatments for eating disorders. These projects include six NIH-funded trials designed to improve outcomes for adolescents and adults with binge eating disorder and bulimia. The position will have both clinical and research components, with approximately 30/70 percent allocation of time for clinical and research tasks, respectively, though this allocation is flexible depending on interests. The fellow will assist in the development of treatment protocols, lead treatment groups, conduct outpatient treatment for adults with eating disorders, supervise research staff, provide training to graduate students, and engage in manuscript and grant-writing activities. This training experience is designed to build expertise in clinical research in the area of eating disorder treatment. The ideal candidate will have a doctorate in clinical psychology and have experience treating individuals with eating disorders. Experience wi th assessment methods (e.g., semi-structured diagnostic interviews), a strong training background in behavioral treatments for eating disorders, good statistical skills, and good writing skills (e.g. publications) are required.

The position may involve taking a prominent role in a number of projects that are developing and testing novel treatments. These projects include development and evaluation of: mindfulness and acceptance based treatments for eating disorders delivered in group and individual treatment formats, a just-in-time adaptive intervention (JITAI) augmentations to CBT for eating disorders, a group lifestyle modification program for adolescents with loss-of-control eating, sleep-focused interventions for adolescent eating disorders, and a novel family-based treatment for adolescent eating disorders.The fellow could assist with development and iteration of the treatments, data processing and analysis; and manuscript write-up. In addition, the fellow will help develop follow-up designs and grant proposals.

Essential Functions:
• Research activities and may include:
• Overseeing research coordinators
• undergraduate and graduate students
• Monitoring study protocols
• Assisting in the development of a treatment protocols Providing training to graduate students
• Assisting with development and iteration of the technologies, methodologies and algorithmic functions of the research projects Data processing and analysis
• Conducting statistical analyses
• Developing follow-up designs and grant proposals
• Writing scientific manuscripts.

Clinical activities and may include:
• Clinical service and/or supervision of clinical service.
• Conducting assessments of potential participants.
• Leading treatment groups.
• Conducting outpatient treatment for adults with eating and weight disorders.
• Other duties as assigned.

Link to online application:

Clinical Postdoctoral Fellow - Eating Disorders

The WELL Center ( is currently recruiting for a Clinical Postdoctoral Fellow under the supervision of Adrienne Juarascio, PhD. The position entails working as a study therapist on NIH-funded clinical trials examining innovative treatments for eating disorders. These projects include, but are not limited to a Multiphasic Optimization Strategy (MOST) trial to evaluate the independent efficacy of components of mindfulness and acceptance treatments for transdiagnostic eating disorders
The position is fully clinical, with 100% of time dedicated to direct clinical contact, case management, individual and group supervision (2-4 hours per week), and administrative duties related to clinical work. The majority of the fellow's time will be spent in delivering individual, outpatient manualized treatments (e.g., CBT) for eating disorders to support ongoing clinical trials, but opportunities for group treatment and provision of treatment through the WELL Clinic may be available. The fellow will carry a caseload of approximately 15-20 individual patients, and will gain sufficient hours for licensure after 1 year. This training experience is designed to build expertise in clinical research in the area of eating disorders.

The ideal candidate will have a doctorate in clinical psychology and have experience with CBT and mindfulness and acceptance based treatments for eating disorders. Training and experience with evidence-based, manualized, and/or cognitive behavioral treatments for psychopathology (e.g., anxiety, depression, eating disorders) are required.

Essential Functions:
• Provide initial evaluation and diagnostic assessments.
• Provide individual and group outpatient clinical treatment services. Timely completion of clinical notes/forms.
• Participate in weekly peer supervision meetings.

Link to online application:

Clinical Postdoctoral Fellow - Eating Disorders at the WELL Clinic

The WELL Clinic ( is currently recruiting for a Clinical Postdoctoral Fellow under the supervision of Paakhi Srivastava, PhD. The position is fully clinical, with 100% of time dedicated to direct clinical contact, case management, individual and group supervision (2 hours per week), and administrative duties related to clinical work. The majority of the fellow's time will be spent in delivering individual or family, outpatient evidence-based treatments (e.g. CBT and FBT) for eating disorders. If interested, training and supervision in providing individual and group treatment for weight loss may be available. Opportunities for training in delivery of evidence-based treatment for both eating and weight disorders as part of NIH-funded clinical trials may be available. The fellow will carry a caseload of approximately 15-20 individual patients, and will gain sufficient hours for licensure after 1 year. This training experience is designed to build expertise in providing evidence-based treatments in the area of eating disorders.
The ideal candidate will have a doctorate in clinical psychology and have experience with evidence-based treatments (i.e. CBT) for eating disorders. Training and experience with evidence-based, manualized, and/or cognitive behavioral treatments for psychopathology (e.g., anxiety, depression, eating disorders) are required.

Essential Functions:
• Provide initial evaluation and develop case conceptualizations.
• Provide individual and group outpatient clinical treatment services. Timely completion of clinical notes/forms.
• Participate in weekly supervision meetings.

Link to online application:



(This information was submitted on November 30, 2021)