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Postdoctoral Fellowship and Private Practice Career Track, Anxiety Solutions of Denver, Colorado

Anxiety Solutions of Denver is very excited to continue offering a postdoctoral fellowship with a strong focus on ACT and exposure therapy. We specialize in the treatment of anxiety disorders, OCD, and other related problems. This is a unique position in that it is intended as the beginning of a track towards a career with us, either through having us open a new branch of our practice for you in another city (the location of which you will help determine) at the conclusion of the Fellowship or staying with us in Denver.

Of the 4 postdocs we have had in this position before, one now has a branch of our practice in Reno, NV; one has a branch in Boise, ID; and the other 2 continue to work for us now in Denver. And our current postdoc will also be joining the Reno office at the conclusion of his fellowship.

All information about this position can be found in our listing on the Universal Psychology Postdoctoral Directory:



(This webpage was updated September 2020)