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CBA 2nd Tuesday consult/support group: ACTing FAPy in a Dialectical World

United States
Chauncey Parker

The group’s primary focus is to provide a supportive and informative space for therapists to discuss their work and connect. If you are interested in a behavior analytic approach (FAP, ACT, RFT, DBT, etc.) to therapy for mental health, you are welcome to join us.

We invite participants to give case presentations or simply discuss challenges, stress, ideas, dilemmas, etc. regarding a behavior analytic approach to clinical psychology, i.e., Clinical Behavior Analysis. I love the discussions of theory, and I hope for this to be a meeting for therapists to connect and discuss our professional and personal aspirations and dilemmas.

The main focus of my own work is with Functional Analytic Psychotherapy (FAP), Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT), and to some extent, Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT). I am a certified trainer for FAP and I have extensive training and experience with ACT.

My graduate work was at the University of Washington with Bob Kohlenberg and Mavis Tsai, the founders of FAP, and I have had a number of classes and workshops about DBT and behavior therapy with Marsha Linehan and/or Kate Comtois. My undergraduate degree was completed at UNR-Reno and for two years I worked in the research labs of Steve Hayes (ACT) and William Follette (FAP). I also am a founding member of the International Board for FAP Certification, Ethics, and Policy.

Email for a Zoom invitation.