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Working with neurodivergent adults

World Region
United Kingdom
Jennifer Kemp

Large numbers of diagnosed and undiagnosed Autistic and ADHDer adolescents and adults are now presenting for therapy, often having accumulated several misdiagnoses before their neurodivergence is identified. Striving to achieve often unattainable neuro-normative ideals, Autistic people and ADHDers often have lower levels of self-compassion, greater self-criticism, feelings of failure, internalised stigma, and shame. Many live in chronic burnout, a state of exhaustion and overwhelm that emerges from living in an environment that does not accommodate neurodivergent differences.

However, a flourishing self-advocacy and social justice movement has grown,  placing a greater emphasis on human rights, support, and accommodations, and a gradual reduction in stigma. This has created new challenges for therapists who must learn to adapt their existing skills to work in an affirming way.

Workshop overview

Presented by a clinical psychologist who is neurodivergent herself, this workshop will provide a comprehensive exploration of the foundations of neurodiversity-affirming practice and guidance on how to apply this understanding to deliver best practice, affirming therapeutic interventions. This workshop will be relevant to professionals who primarily work with Autistic and ADHDer adults and adolescents as well as those who see them as part of a wider client group.

Blending discussion, activities, and experiential exercises with didactic learning, the presenter will explore the fundamental principles of neurodiversity-affirming practice including the differences between the social, medical, and neurodiversity-affirming models of disability, the ‘double-empathy problem,’ and the use of affirming language. Participants will explore what being Autistic or an ADHDer really means via an in-depth exploration of the neurobiological differences that lead to specific strengths and difficulties. The close relationship between Autism and ADHD, and frequent co-occurrence with mental health problems including anxiety, depression, obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), trauma, and eating disorders will also be explored.

The presenter will then guide participants through a comprehensive, trauma-informed, and affirming treatment approach that builds well-being on a foundation of self-compassion and self-acceptance.

What you will learn

During the workshop, participants will learn:

  • Practical strategies to facilitate key behavioural strategies in sensory soothing, emotion regulation, safe relationships, executive functioning, effective boundaries, unmasking, self-advocacy, and more.
  • Methods to adapt their therapeutic approach to meet the needs of neurodivergent clients and how they can implement affirming principles in their practice.
  • How to work more skilfully and effectively with neurodivergent clients.

The course includes plenty of handouts, worksheets, and resources to further support learning.

Who would benefit from this workshop?

Meant for practitioners who have already had basic introductory training in ACT, we recommend this workshop for all mental health professionals including psychologists, BCBAs, psychiatrists, social workers, nurse practitioners, coaches, therapists, counsellors, GPs, and OTs.