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The extended evolutionary meta-model and process-based therapy: Contemporary lenses for understanding functional analytic psychotherapy

APA Citation

Maitland, D.W.M. (2024). The extended evolutionary meta-model and process-based therapy: Contemporary lenses for understanding functional analytic psychotherapy. Journal of Contextual Behavioral Science, 32, 100750.

Publication Topic
CBS: Conceptual
Publication Type
Functional analytic psychotherapy, Extended evolutionary meta-model, Functional analysis, Process-based therapy

Functional Analytic Psychotherapy (FAP) is a type of psychotherapy often described as "process-based" because treatment targets are idiographically defined, and intervention strategies are specified in behavioral principles. Recently, refinements have been made to the idea of process-based therapy (PBT) that incorporates an extended evolutionary meta-model (EEMM). The present discussion articulates how FAP fits into current conceptualizations of engaging in PBT. I argue that embracing a PBT approach to treatment can enhance therapeutic outcomes by expanding the conceptualization of clinically relevant behaviors to be viewed as a series of interrelated processes. EEMM dimensions are explored as clinically relevant behaviors, and established FAP intervention strategies for some of these dimensions are discussed. This expanded conceptualization of FAP is applied to a case example before future directions for FAP are discussed in the context of a process based approach to treatment.

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