It is with great pleasure that I announce the appointment of Michael Levin, Ph.D., as the next editor of the Journal of Contextual Behavioral Science. Michael is a knowledgeable researcher and co-director of the Utah State University ACT Research Group. He is an energetic and thoughtful member of our community and a former Associate Editor of JCBS. He will take over this four year position in the coming months.
Michael was selected during a competitive interview process. Following an open call for nominations to all members and related groups, the ACBS Publications Committee (Rhonda Merwin, Chair; Lance McCracken; Todd Kashdan; Jennifer Villatte; Dermot Barnes-Holmes) evaluated the credentials of nominees, approached those qualified, conducted and evaluated a written and oral interview assessment, and then made a recommendation to the Board. Michael was confirmed for the appointment by the ACBS Board of Directors.
He replaces Emily Sandoz, Ph.D., as the Editor in Chief. Emily has served us faithfully over her tenure as the Editor of JCBS and we thank her for her contributions to JCBS and to ACBS at large.
Read JCBS today!
With pride,
Dennis Tirch, Ph.D.
ACBS President