We are proud to announce the launch of the ACBS’s new flagship journal, the Journal of Contextual Behavioral Science (JCBS). After a little over a year of planning and dreaming, we anticipate the launch of the journal this November, and publication of the first issue in 2012. We are excited to have partnered with Elsevier, whose prestige and expertise give JCBS the best chances for success
We hope to provide a unique context for dissemination of ideas and data that bridge research and practice interests, theoretical orientations, disciplines and philosophical assumptions. This includes not only papers that are consistent with a contextual behavioral approach, but also those that explicitly challenge it. JCBS welcomes papers on any and all phenomena relevant to ACBS’ mission – to alleviate human suffering, and to advance human wellbeing. You can submit empirical studies, reviews, conceptual papers and philosophical papers.
The journal will include two sections: Research and In Practice. For the Research section, we welcome papers that cover diverse issues across a range of domains using a variety of methods of exploration. Any research method will be considered as long as it contributes at some level to the precision, scope or depth of behavioral theory, broadly speaking. For the In Practice section, we welcome descriptions of practical innovations in the application of contextual behavioral science and preliminary findings related to professional issues. We also welcome reviews of a particular area, so long as the review is meant to be of direct benefit to the practitioner. “In practice” papers should be written in an accessible journalistic style and include both specific how-to insights for practitioners’ use, and remaining questions for future applied or basic research efforts.
We ask that you (yes, that means you!) to consider how you might contribute to the journal, especially in its early years. We aim to have researchers, practitioners, and theoreticians both as contributors and regular readers, and the success of the journal will depend largely on your efforts. For more information, please contact our Editor-in-Chief, Dr. Joseph Ciarrochi (ciarrochij@gmail.com).
Your editorial team,
Emily Sandoz, Joseph Ciarrochi, Roger Vilardaga, Mathieu Villatte, Charlotte Dack