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Multi-Media Resources

Foxy Learning: ‘An Introduction to Relational Frame Theory’

Benjamin Schoendorff: “The Matrix, Basic Processes & Relational Framing”

Thomas Szabo: Speaking on RFT

Portland Mindfulness Therapy: RFT Crash Course Parts 1 - 5


Clinical Applications of RFT with Yvonne Barnes-Holmes:

Video 1:

Video 2:

Video 3:


Website Resource for New RFT book by Matthieu Villatte, Jennifer Villatte, & Steve Hayes:

There has recently been a website built to support the new clinical RFT book "Mastering the Clinical Conversation: Language as Intervention" by Matthieu Villatte, Jennifer Villatte, and Steve Hayes:

On this website, you will find hours of short video tutorials explaining the material presented in each chapter of the book (6 chapters are currently covered through 19 tutorials... more to come), video demonstrations (some with RFT captions... more to come), and a number of
additional resources relevant to clinical RFT.

All the material you will find on this website is and will remain FREE. Tutorials and demonstrations are on their youtube channel too (called, and you are welcome to share and use them in trainings and classes as much as you want.


(This list is just a beginning and the TC will review any suggestions sent to us for inclusion in the curriculum and support materials. We may also develop a number of suggested activities that people could engage in to help them master this material.)