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Managing and Engaging Current Members

Managing and engaging current members is, in essence, a central task of chapters and SIGs.  

It should be noted that there is no "correct" or "right" way to run a chapter or SIG.  First, chapters and SIGs are both different types of groups with different needs, challenges, and issues.  Second, engaging and maintaining an active group of members will depend on a variety of factors including geography, commitment/energy of members, and organizational experience of leaders or board members.  Instead of thinking about confomring to an ideal prototype, chapters and SIGs are encouraged to be creative and flexibile in how they function as a group.  Because everything is relative, a study group that meets six times per year may be as much of a "success" for a chapter as another chapter which holds monthly events and is able to charge for dues.  In any case, here are some tips for engaging and maintaing members:

Tips for Managing and Engaging with Current Members:

* Use of technology:  Whether it be Facebook, Mailchimp, a website, or some other platform, the use of digital and social media is an easy way to reach many people in places where they already spend time.  Regular announcements, newsletters, blogs, or posts may be an easy way to communicate to your chapter/SIG and keep current members engaged. (see section on technology)

* Ask your members: Though it may seem obvious, don't forget to ask your members what they want.  Listening to the needs of your members may spark an idea or help guide you in developing your chapter/SIG.  We've created a example SIG Survey template - you will find it attached at the bottom of this page.

* Follow your passion: Rather than investing your limited resources in endeavors that you think you "should" do, do something that matters to you.  If you aren't interested in it, then it is less likely to get done.

* Consult with ACBS or other chapters/SIGs:  It may be helpful to contact members of other chapters or SIGs for support and ideas.  The ACBS chapter and SIG committee is also a great place to ask questions and obtain guidance.  Finally, ACBS is working to increase networking within local communities, so that thriving chapters/SIGs may share their experience and wisdom.  

* Create short-term goals: Deciding on clearly-defined and realistic goals is likely to lead to greater engagement within chapter and SIG leaders, and therefore within members.  For example, organizing a single event may be preferable than trying to plan a monthly or re-occuring event for a new chapter or SIG.  

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