The KUBE lab (Kore University Behavioral Lab) was founded in 2014 by Nanni Presti, after his arrival at Kore University. It connects students, researchers, and professionals in a nurturing community for people and ideas. The laboratory is located at the heart of Sicily, at Kore University in Enna.
The lab team includes undergrad and grad students investigating RFT based applications in special education, experiential avoidance tasks using the IRAP, and the effects of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT). The areas of application of ACT range from traditional clinical settings to workplaces and from chronic pain to sports. Lab members are also contributing to the validation of ACT related scales and other clinical tools. A special focus is dedicated to studying the integration of technology in clinical and education settings, collaborating with the School of Computer Science at Kore University of Enna, Behavioral Labs in Canatina, the Department of Engineering of the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, and CERN.
Space in the lab is divided into four soundproof cubicles with computers and two rooms for children, adults, and groups.
Lab Facebook page:
(This webpage was update on May 8, 2018)