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Fletcher, Schoendorff & Hayes, in press

APA Citation

Fletcher, L. B., Schoendorff, B., & Hayes, S. C. (2010). Searching for mindfulness in the brain: A process-oriented approach to examining the neural correlates of mindfulness. Journal of Mindfulness, 1, 41-63.

Publication Topic
ACT: Conceptual
Other Third-Wave Therapies: Conceptual
RFT: Conceptual
Publication Type
mindfulness, functional contextualism, neuroimaging, meditation, acceptance and commitment therapy

There has been great interest of late in trying to capture the benefits of meditation by scanning meditators' brains, but meditation practices vary widely between traditions and between individuals. In this paper we argue that a successful neuroscience of mindfulness needs to be based on an adequate psychological analysis. In this paper, we present a definition of mindfulness based on four psychological processes that are relatively well understood, and we show how this model may help to organize neuroimaging research and create a bridge to clinical applications. This framework provides an approach to neuroscience research grounded in psychological principles and theory. We propose that this is critical for advancing scientific endeavors such that the knowledge gained helps to improve the human condition.