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Find an ACT/CBS Therapist or Practitioner - Kirsty van Lieshout

Kirsty van Lieshout

Newman & Crawley Mental Health Support
Creative Therapist, Life Coach and Supervisor
Southampton, Hampshire
United Kingdom
Highest Degree Held: BA
Specialties: ASD, ADHD and Chronic Illness
Types of Clients: Adolescents, Adults, Elderly, Couples, Organizations
Languages spoken: English, Nederlands
Licensures/Certifications: MNCPS Accred
ACT/CBS Background and Training: Trauma Focussed ACT with Russ Harris 2021/2022
ACT for Self Harming & Suicidality with Russ Harris 2021
ACT for Worrying, Ruminating & Obsession with Russ Harris 2021
ACT 100 Key points & Techniques with Richard Bennet & Joe Oliver 2021
ACT for Perfectionism & People Pleasing with Russ Harris 2021
Functional Analytic Therapy with Dr Gareth Holman 2021
Mindfulness and Acceptance for Self-Esteem with Richard Bennet & Joe Oliver 2021
SHAPE: ACT Supervision with Eric Morris & Linda Nicholson 2020
Stuff that Sucks with Ben Sedley 2020
Continuing ACT with Lucy Dorey 2016
Continuing ACT with Lucy Dorey 2015
ACT Introduction with Lucy Dorey 2014
ACT/CBS Experience: Values Work, Defusion, Mindfulness.