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Find an ACT/CBS Therapist or Practitioner - Mr. Neal Vernon

Neal Vernon

Prisma Health
Licensed Social Worker
Columbia, South Carolina
United States
Highest Degree Held: MSW
Types of Clients: Adults, Families, Couples, Groups (group therapy)
Languages spoken: English
Licensures/Certifications: LISW
ACT/CBS Background and Training: I first stumbled across ACT in 2007-2008. The non-expert approach, values and acceptance guided skill building focus of the model seemed to organize many of the therapeutic beliefs I already subscribed to. Since then I have continued to read ACT texts, began hosting a local ACT study group, attended ACBS World Conference 2012, 2016, have facilitated several formal Introduction and Intermediate ACT trainings, have facilitated an 8 week ACT group and an ACT in the Workplace 3 session model. Most importantly I have utilized ACT, in conjunction with other modalities and independently as a primary mode of therapy and growth for my clients and myself.
ACT/CBS Experience: 15 years individual, group and family counseling

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