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Find an ACT/CBS Therapist or Practitioner - Chris O'Grady

Chris O'Grady

Flinders University
Student Counsellor
Adelaide, South Australia
Highest Degree Held: BA
Languages spoken: English
Licensures/Certifications: Bachelor of Social Work
ACT/CBS Background and Training: ACT Introductory Workshop (April 2010 - Dr Russ Harris) 2 Day Experiential Workshop

ACT Advanced Workshop (August 2010 - Dr Russ Harrris) 2 Day Experiential Workshop

ACT Workshop (September 2010 - Kelly Wilson) 2 Day Experiential Workshop

ACBS ANZ Conference of ACT (October 2010)

ACBS ANZ Conference of ACT (October 2011)
ACT/CBS Experience: 2 years

Contact Chris

Contact Chris OGrady